Who is the youngest person that’s taught you something you’ve never forgotten?

In college I studied abroad for a semester in France. I was waiting for a bus in Toulouse, where I lived, and there was a very little boy – maybe 3 years old – who was also waiting at the stop with his mom. This little boy was completely in his own world, jumping up and spinning in the air and almost doing a full 360. He’d look at one foot while he spun. Then he’d look at the other. Then he’d spin again while looking at one hand held out in front of himself. It was joyful. He wasn’t laughing or even smiling; it was a serious thing he was doing apparently. But it was joyful. At his age, he was still learning and marveling at the sacred machinery of his own limbs. And I just thought to myself, “Dang, little boy. You’re right. It’s a beautiful thing to have our bodies.” Where have you found wisdom in a young soul?

Source: WBQ Original

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