What’s the name of the lady who cleans this building?

The CEO of Charles Schwab, Walt Bettinger, tells a story of the only test he ever failed in college. He was trying to maintain a perfect 4.0 GPA but his business strategy professor gave a 1-question final that caught him off guard. In Walt’s words:

“…the professor said: ‘I’ve taught you everything I can teach you about business in the last 10 weeks, but the most important message, the most important question, is this: What’s the name of the lady who cleans this building?’

That had a powerful impact. It was the only test I ever failed, and I got the ‘B’ I deserved.

Her name was Dottie, and I didn’t know Dottie. I’d seen her, but I’d never taken the time to ask her name. I’ve tried to know every Dottie I’ve worked with ever since. You should never lose sight of people who do the real work.”

This is a great story. I wish the sentiment were actually visible in the financial industry broadly. But even if we don’t see it there, we can still put this into practice in our own lives. Scooping ice cream, waiting tables, going door-to-door for a non-profit… I’ve done those things and to this day I remember the people who were authentic and kind. If it was you, thank you!

Source: This mini interview from Business Insider that I found on a Reddit thread

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2 thoughts on “What’s the name of the lady who cleans this building?”

  1. Nancy DeMaria says:

    Just tweeted that question. Priceless!

  2. Hayden Cameron says:

    Lady? Men can clean too 😉

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