What’s one major way that you differ from the group(s) you most closely identify with?

Republican. Democrat. Christian. Muslim. Entrepreneur. Parent. Crossfitter. Apple devotee. Hipster. The groups we join (and stick with) do indeed signal to the outside world something about us. But you can’t ever truly know people by the boxes they check. You only really see a person when you start to understand how her unique personality does NOT line up 100% with the group identities that characterize her broadly. A Democrat who believes that life starts at conception. An entrepreneur who’s terrified of risk. A hipster who sincerely loves the new Justin Bieber album. Outside the lines is where friendships get interesting. It’s where real people live.

Source: WBQ Original

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One thought on “What’s one major way that you differ from the group(s) you most closely identify with?”

  1. I used this question recently with a relatively strong acquaintance. It’s great, because it’s broad enough that the person can choose how deeply to share, so it’s really a great fit no matter how well you know someone. A person you just met might not want to share their deep religious or political convictions with you, but they can always find another category (people who like dogs! People who work in offices! People who swear never to take a cruise!) that will be fun to share about.

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