What is one guilty pleasure you enjoy too much to give up?

I’m a bit of a junkie when it comes to reading about productivity, personal development, forming habits, etc. To wildly varying degrees of success, I’m always trying to further develop my strengths or shore up weaknesses or start new good habits. But after a point, the most helpful thing to do is just to know yourself enough to understand that some “bad” habits are probably going to stick because…they just are. As long as it’s nothing insane, I say maybe don’t worry so much about it. I’m going to stay up too late. On weekends, I’m going to wake up too late as well. Every third roadtrip or so, I’m going to cave and eat twenty chicken mcnuggets. Nuggets!!!! Mmmm bbq sauce, sweet chili. (Sorry, not sorry.) My friends need to know that about me.

Source: Inspired by a question from The Book of Questions by Gregory Stock

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