Is there anything you can’t get through without crying?

I’m talking about a movie scene, a piece of music, a bit of writing, or even a piece of visual art that you can’t look at without crying. This question occurred to me because I came across a book called “Poems That Make Grown Men Cry.” It’s filled with the poetry that men from many different sectors of society (actors, scientists, politicians…) can’t read without tearing up. Folks like JJ Abrams, Daniel Radcliffe, and Salman Rushdie (along with dozens of others) all chose poems. Personally, I can’t point to a poem that brings me to tears. There’s only one thing that, without fail, I can’t get through. It’s Isaiah 58 in the Bible. I’d never read the entire Bible until I lived and worked in Haiti in 2007 and 2008 on the grounds of a pediatric mission hospital. It was the most intense part of my life to date. Isaiah 58 puts me viscerally back in Port au Prince with the extreme highs and lows of making new friends, burying old friends, sharing meals, watching kids succumb to malnutrition… I cannot put it all into words. I won’t try.

Source: Inspired by Poems That Make Grown Men Cry (100 Men On The Words That Move Them)

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