If you were by yourself for the entire day tomorrow and could do anything you wanted, how would you spend the day?

“Put on your own mask before assisting others. Oxygen is flowing even if the bag does not inflate.”

We’ve all heard this. And we all know what it means in terms of day-to-day self-care even when you’re not on an airplane. But it’s often very difficult to actually take a mental health day or even carve out an hour or two each week for reflection, exercise, meditation, creative writing, pleasure reading, etc. Ask your partner this question and you’ll know what the O2-starved part of her wants most right now. This is important information. And even if you can’t arrange an entire day unplugged, you can probably knock out bills/bathing kids/doing dishes to give your partner 1 hour to journal and think. It might not be a whole, full day but…oxygen IS flowing even if the bag doesn’t inflate, right?

Source: Adapted from this list from thekitchn.com of questions to ask your partner at the dinner table

Have you asked this question? How did it go? Do you have advice for how best to ask it? PLEASE RATE! AND WRITE A REVIEW (in the comment box below)!

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