If I get exactly what I want (a certain outcome, object, or even person) what will I make that mean about myself?

This is an important question. And an unusual one. I want to do it justice… So the thing about being human is that we make EVERYTHING mean something. Every event contributes to a story that we tell about ourselves and the world. Having trouble finding a job? Must mean all my skills are useless and outdated. Get invited to a new-ish friend’s wedding? Must mean I made a good impression at our last get-together. Stop reading a book half way through? Must mean I’m a quitter and always will be a quitter. We do this with everything. We can’t help it. It’s just human nature to make narratives. Sometimes the stories are more “true” and sometimes less. But that’s not the point. The point is that they’re A-L-L stories. Knowing this will help you understand why you want the things you want. Here’s an example from my life: I want to rebuild the back deck that is falling apart at the small house my wife and I just bought. If I learn how and can do it, it will mean that I’m man enough, that I’ll be able to take care of my family, that I’m well-rounded as a person. That’s the story I’ll tell myself about that outcome. Telling it will be as alluring as ever but I’ll at least know I made it all up. It’s all stories. And the real power lies in this: Change the story and you’ll change your life. It’s a constant challenge but whenever you are able, you might as well tell a story that’s compassionate with yourself and with the world.

Source: Heavily influenced by the tools from The Landmark Forum

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