What does your toothbrush tell about you?

TEDx speaker Anna Rosling-Ronnlund curates photos of everyday objects from households, rich and poor, around the world. She hopes “visitors will browse through galleries of toothbrushes, tables, shoes and toys and see how each object is transformed by the pressures of poverty.” This gallery of toothbrushes, in particular, struck me. I worry about money in daily, middle class life – I do. I also have the nicest toothbrush imaginable. Sonicare. (Costco did a great sale on it that I jumped on a year ago.) When the anxious thoughts start flying that I should make more money because I’m a new husband, because I should provide, because starting a family is probably in my future, because money is a measure of a man, because we need more stuff… I want to remember the question: What does your toothbrush say about all this?

Source: Anna Rosling-Ronnlund’s photo series on the TED website

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