Am I needlessly making this a “whether or not” question?

Here’s another one from Chip and Dan Heath’s genius book, “Decisive: How to make better choices in life and work.” The book lays out the 4 biggest stumbling blocks when it comes to making good decisions. The very first one is “Narrow framing (unduly limiting the options we consider).” According to the brothers Heath, any time you catch yourself pondering a “Should I ________ or not?” question or a “I’m deciding whether or not to _________,” statement, a loud warning alarm should go off in your head and you should realize 3 things: 1) You’re not even considering two options – you’re just giving an up or down vote to ONE option; 2) Other alternatives are out there (“Should I quit my job or not?” hides alternatives that become visible when you widen your scope (“Should I quit my job outright to become a sculptor or should I try to negotiate for part-time hours first and free up more time for sculpting?”); 3) The research overwhelmingly shows that considering more than one option leads to better decisions. The trick is realizing you’re stuck in a narrow frame.

Source: Decisive: How To Make Better Choices In Life And Work by Chip Heath and Dan Heath

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