What’s the last thing you’d say you’ve “aged out” of?

My friend Aaron came up with this question while we were talking about clubbing. It’s a good one. When was the last occasion that made you think, “Ehh, I think I might be getting too old for this”? I’m in my 30’s now so I’ll probably be thinking this a lot in the future. But then again, probably not any more than I’ve thought it throughout my life. The truth is, we’re aging out of things all the time. I definitely remember being 10 years old, in what would be my last year participating in a summer arts/enrichment camp for little kids and thinking “I might be too old for this next summer…” I also remember being 26 years old. After coming back from volunteering in Haiti, I’d been living at home for two and a half years. I thought to myself then, “Dude, you’re getting too old for this…” What is the most recent thing that you’d say you’ve aged out of?

Source: My very Sharp friend, Aaron.

Have you asked this question? How did it go? Do you have advice for how best to ask it? PLEASE RATE! AND WRITE A REVIEW (in the comment box below)!

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