What cause are you passionate about?

It sounds weird but just try it. Once even. Maybe you’re at a friend-of-a-friend’s housewarming. When you get to that part in a conversation with someone new where you’d normally ask “So what do you do?” give this a try instead. If the resulting conversation isn’t interesting or smooth, at least it will be DIFFERENT.

Source: This article on the Buffer blog by Courtney Seiter

Have you asked this question? How did it go? Do you have advice for how best to ask it? PLEASE RATE! AND WRITE A REVIEW (in the comment box below)!

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One thought on “What cause are you passionate about?”

  1. Heidi Winner says:

    I agree that this question would be a little awkward if it was one of the first things you said to someone. Perhaps a more natural way to get to this question in conversation would be to discuss what you do and how it relates to your passion, then to ask this question. I like it – it seems like a question that could help you get to know someone pretty quickly!

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