Can you tell me about your personal experiences that make you believe that?


When you don’t agree with people, it is completely useless to try to convince them to change their minds.  Instead, the point of your conversation should be simply to understand each other better as people.  This question about personal experiences does this beautifully. Continue reading Can you tell me about your personal experiences that make you believe that?

What would 80-year-old me think about this decision?


This question is excellent if you have a big choice to make and you’re struggling with the pros and cons.  Take a minute to imagine in some detail how you’ll look at 80 years old.  Imagine where you’ll be living.  Imagine a chair that you’d be sitting in at that age.  And then imagine what 80-year-old you would think about the decision you’ve made on your issue.  Old you is wise.  Very wise.  Yoda level. Continue reading What would 80-year-old me think about this decision?