If a time machine could drop you right in front of us as kids, what year would you want to appear and what would you say to us?

There are so many different directions to go with this. I’m imagining what my answers would be. I might time warp to 1996 when my sister and I were entering middle school (which are always weird, difficult years for kids). I’d tell myself to look out for her and not to be a punk. I really regret how I treated people, my sister included, during middle school. Or I might time warp to a 1999 family road trip in our dodge caravan and tell us all to soak it in, really love it and pay attention even if all we’re doing is eating at a Denny’s off the freeway and playing the claw machine game with the 50 cents we BEGGED my parents for. Ask this question. Sometimes questions involving time machines are, in fact, already time machines themselves.

Source: WBQ Original

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