How long before an “interest” becomes merely an aspiration?

In the early days of Facebook, there was a section of your profile that had two adjoining boxes: interests and then activities. One of my college friends (can’t remember exactly whom) had filled the “interests” section with lots of things – reading, running, listening to live music, learning some form of martial arts… And then in the “activities” section, he wrote simply: “Trying to make this box match the one above.” Clever. And poignant. It’s stuck with me all these years and reminded me to think deliberately about making my daily actions match my deeper interests. But I don’t always manage it as well as I’d like. Or well at all. How long before an “interest” gets demoted to the “to do list”? To merely an aspiration? I don’t know. But if I haven’t spoken ANY French at length in 9 years, how “interested” can I actually be in it? There’s no judgement around any of this. It’s just a question to ask yourself so that you can either 1) renew your commitment or 2) make room for newer, more relevant interests.

Source: Cyrus? I’m not sure. But it was a friend during college.

Have you asked this question? How did it go? Do you have advice for how best to ask it? PLEASE RATE! AND WRITE A REVIEW (in the comment box below)!

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