How am I part of the problem?

Tonight I heard Rev. Alan Storey speak. He’s a Methodist minister from South Africa who has done some amazing work in the post-apartheid communities of his home country. He’s also a white man. I was struck when he said, “It can actually be very empowering to learn that you are part of the problem. Because when you’re part of the problem, if you change just yourself, you are contributing directly to the solution.” That’s a heck of a thought. It reminded me of a sobering thing I heard when I was still living (and commuting) in Los Angeles and hating my rush-hour slog: “You’re not IN traffic. You ARE traffic.” So when it comes to any number of things – a broken political system, a rapidly gentrifying neighborhood, bumper to bumper traffic – how are you part of the problem? That’s where you’ll find your power.

Source: Rev. Alan Storey of CMM in Capetown, South Africa

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